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Four ways to control water stain--3


The reasons to form Water stain
The reasons and its ingredient to form Water stain is very complex, under the different environment, the stone , how to forms the water stain, the reason to be various, mostly is because of the cement mortar, the cement admixture, the acid rain environment and so on many kinds of factor functions,  and form the cement silicic acid gelatinous matter in the stone pore, salt alkaloid and so on water absorbant s. Also some have the water source direct permeating stone  interior to cause the stone  becomes moist, in the strict significance says, if it is merely the water source direct permeating stone , still could not call that it the water stain, as if just water, if disconnect water source, the stone  then slowly voluntarily dry, but under the moist environment, in cement mortar, the hygroscopic matter will permeate the stone interior to form the true water stain very quickly.

Reason to Causes the water stain pathological change has the following several kinds:

1. the stone  installment uses the cementing agent

the cement used in The stone  installment contain high excessive alkali or has used the improper cement admixture.
2. during the installment use excessively many moisture contents

When install stone, cement mortar's mobility, ie, the moisture content cannot very be very well grasped, so if contains more water then the salt alkaloid entering into stone interior are also many,  easy to form the water stain, if the moisture content are few, in the water salt alkaloid content are also few, so it is not easy to form the water stain.

when paving stone , in order to ensure the mortar and the stone  stick together closely,  usually use rubber hammer to hammer them to be close, but when apply the cement mortar in leveling, it is impossible to achieve compactness to be consistent, when hammer them, the water will converge to the compactness low spot, therefore, the stone area with compactness low cement mortar, its  surface forms the heavier water stain.



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